Park Tool CG-2.4 Chain and Drivetrain Cleaning Kit
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Park Tool CG-2.4 Chain and Drivetrain Cleaning Kit. A dirty drivetrain causes poor shifting and unnecessary wear to expensive parts. The Chain and Drivetrain Cleaning Kit contains everything needed to quickly and easily clean the chain freewheel cogs and chainrings.CG-2.4 works on nearly any bike including multi-speed single-speed and e-bikes
Includes: CM-5.3 Cyclone Chain Scrubber GSC-1 GearClean Brush 8 oz. bottle of Bio ChainBrite
This specifications are from the information the brand releases and only apply to stock bicycles, build ups´ specifications will vary according to the components the buyer chooses.
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Park Tool CG-2.4 Chain and Drivetrain Cleaning Kit